Here's how training works:
1) Sign up for our current training class using the link below. Training is FREE!
2) Order the suggested resources for training (below).
3) Download your training packet (link below).
4) Using your Training Packet, watch the ten training videos below. For every video, there is an assessment so we know you did the work. Please complete the assessment after you watch the video using the link above the video.
5) Once you finish all ten assessments, we will send you an invite for the next in-person equipping and impartation day!! This will be two hours on a Saturday that usually happens once per quarter. We'll tell you the exact date when you sign up, and give you all the next steps from there!
Learn about the CityLight Healing Rooms and get to know the International Association of Healing Rooms (IAHR).
God's Provision for Healing
Learn why we get sick in the first place, and what God's answer to sickness has been over the course of human history.
Authority of the Believer
God has not called you to be a passive observer in your healing process. Scripture says God has given you authority over sickness and disease, and He wants you to use it!
Faith for Healing
Every good thing God wants to give you will come by faith. Learn what faith, what faith is not, and how faith is an essential part of your healing process.
Roadblocks to Healing
Learn about the stumbling blocks waiting for us in the healing process. Satan doesn't want you to be healed! But Jesus gave his body so you could have authority over sickness and disease.
How to Keep Your Healing
Learn how to get healed and stay healed. Find out how to constantly maintain a climate of faith, instead of losing ground to fear.
The Anointing
What is the anointing and what does it do? Learn how to live in a place where you are constantly experiencing the healing anointing of God.
Learn why intercession is an essential component of the healing process. You have authority to pray for others; and others have been given authority to pray for you!
The devil is real. We don't have to fear him, because Jesus already defeated him! But we do have to know the active role he takes in trying to get us to settle for sickness and disease. Learn how to tell Satan to get out, and stay out!
Leading Clients to the Lord
Being healed does no good if you don't know Jesus. Healing is a sign that points to the Healer; but if we want to be saved we have to receive the God Who Heals!
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